Payment will be accepted by cash or cheque at the end of each session or can be invoiced at the end of each month.
Initial Assessment £90 ( approx. 1 hour)
Follow up Appointment £80 (approx. 45 minutes)
For clients outside a 5 mile radius of SL6 2LJ there is an additional charge of £10 per session to cover the additional travel time and costs.
Please provide me with as much notice as possible if you are unable to make an appointment. You may incur the full cost of the cancelled appointment if less than 24 hours notice is provided.
Payment will be accepted by cash or cheque at the end of each session or can be invoiced at the end of each month.
Initial Assessment £90 ( approx. 1 hour)
Follow up Appointment £80 (approx. 45 minutes)
For clients outside a 5 mile radius of SL6 2LJ there is an additional charge of £10 per session to cover the additional travel time and costs.
Please provide me with as much notice as possible if you are unable to make an appointment. You may incur the full cost of the cancelled appointment if less than 24 hours notice is provided.